==== Demo ==== To run sisyphus you need to setup an experiment folder that contains all needed files (See :ref:`sec-structure`). An example directory is given in the `example folder `_. It runs the workflow presented by the diagramm below .. mermaid:: graph TD; start[Start]:::startclass -- data/5lines.txt --> Splitter Splitter -- out_path --> Parallel Parallel -- out_path: path, check_block --> Simple Parallel -- out --> result[Finish]:::resultclass classDef resultclass fill:#f66; classDef startclass fill:#63e06d; PipeLine -- merger.gz, score --> Parallel subgraph pipeline Merger -- merger.gz --> PipeLine FinishedParts -. out1.gz --> SimplePart1 -.-> Merger FinishedParts -. out2.gz --> SimplePart2 -.-> Merger FinishedParts -. out3.gz --> SimplePart3 -.-> Merger Arguments -- out.gz --> FinishedParts Simple -- out.gz --> Arguments Arguments -- out.gz --> CheckState CheckState -- score --> PipeLine end To start this toy setup run:: ../sis manager you will get something similar to:: [2018-06-15 16:31:50,488] INFO: Add target result to jobs (used for more informativ output, disable with SHOW_JOB_TARGETS=False) [2018-06-15 16:31:50,796] INFO: runnable: Job< workdir: work/parallel/LineSpliter.AVSubx1baWqKyMx35c> [2018-06-15 16:31:50,796] INFO: runnable(1) waiting(1) Print verbose overview (v), start manager (y), or exit (n)? Start the computation by pressing `y`. You can stop the manager again at any time by pressing CTRL-C. Sisyphus will show you which processes are currently running. For more information about the processes either check the web interface. It can be started with the http option:: ../sis manager --http 8080 This will start a local web server at the given port. Visit it by going to http://localhost:8080 Once the final output is computed it will appear in the output folder. In this given example just some random text file.