Source code for sisyphus.localengine

import logging
import multiprocessing
import threading
import queue
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import psutil
import time
from sisyphus.engine import EngineBase
from sisyphus import tools
import sisyphus.global_settings as gs
from collections import namedtuple
from ast import literal_eval

# we are only using cpu so far anyway...
ENGINE_NAME = "local"
    "cpu": 1,
    "mem": 1,
    "time": 1,

[docs] def run_task(call, logpath): """Simple function to run task""" with open(logpath, "a") as logfile: subprocess.check_call(call, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile)
# name is the unique name combined of job id and task name, task_name is only the task name TaskQueueInstance = namedtuple("TaskQueueInstance", ["call", "logpath", "rqmt", "name", "task_name", "task_id"]) def get_process_logging_path(task_path, task_name, task_id): path = os.path.join(task_path, gs.PLOGGING_FILE) path = "%s.%s.%i" % (path, task_name, task_id) return path
[docs] class sync_object(object): """Object to be used by the with statement to sync an object via queue e.g.:: self.sobj = sync_object({}) with self.sobj as sobj: sobj[7] = 9 # other process with self.sobj as sobj: assert( sobj == { 7: 9 } ) """ def __init__(self, obj): self.queue = queue.Queue(1) self.obj = obj self.queue.put(obj) def __enter__(self): self.obj = self.queue.get() return self.obj def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.queue.put(self.obj)
[docs] class LocalEngine(threading.Thread, EngineBase): """Simple engine to execute running tasks locally. CPU and GPU are always checked, all other requirements only if given during initialisation. """ def __init__(self, cpus=1, gpus=0, available_gpus="", **kwargs): """The parameter cpus and gpus are kept for backwards compatibility, if cpu and gpu are given they will overwrite the values of cpus and gpus. :param int cpus: number of CPUs that can be used :param int gpus: number of GPUs that can be used :param **kwargs: other consumable resources e.g. mem (in GB) """ # resources self.lock = threading.Lock() # There is a mismatch between the requested resources names (?pus) and internal name (?pu) # Keep old naming for backwards compatibility, but internal name will overwrite default values self.max_resources = {"cpu": cpus, "gpu": gpus} self.max_resources.update(kwargs) self.free_resources = self.max_resources.copy() assert gpus == 0 or len(available_gpus.split(",")) == gpus self.available_gpus = {g: True for g in available_gpus.split(",") if g != ""} self.running_subprocess = [] self.started = False self.running = multiprocessing.Value("B", 1) # set to 0 to stop engine threading.Thread.__init__(self) def start_engine(self): if self.started: return # control input self.runnable_tasks = sync_object([]) self.waiting_tasks = sync_object({}) # control output / which tasks are currently running self.running_tasks = sync_object({}) self.start() self.started = True def get_default_rqmt(self, task): return LOCAL_DEFAULTS
[docs] def start_task(self, task, selected_gpus): """ :param TaskQueueInstance task: :param str selected_gpus: :rtype: psutil.Process """ # Start new task call =[:] env = os.environ.copy() env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = selected_gpus sp = subprocess.Popen(call, env=env, start_new_session=True) self.running_subprocess.append(sp) pid = process = psutil.Process(pid) return process
def check_finished_tasks(self): with self.lock: logging.debug("Check for finished subprocesses") still_running = [] # Let jobs started in this process finish for p in self.running_subprocess: if p.poll() is None: still_running.append(p) self.running_subprocess = still_running logging.debug("Check for finished tasks") with self.running_tasks as running_tasks: for process, task, _ in list(running_tasks.values()): logging.debug( "Task state: %s %i PID: %s %s" % (task.task_name, task.task_id,, process.is_running()) ) if not process.is_running(): self.task_done(running_tasks, task) def enough_free_resources(self, rqmt): for key, max_available in self.max_resources.items(): free = self.free_resources[key] requested = rqmt.get(key, 0) if max_available < requested: logging.warning( "Requested resources are higher than maximal available resources\n" "Available resources %s\n" "Requested resources %s" % (self.max_resources, rqmt) ) if free < requested: return False return True def reserve_resources(self, rqmt, selected_devices=None): self.free_resources = {key: free - rqmt.get(key, 0) for key, free in self.free_resources.items()} for key, max_available in self.max_resources.items(): free = self.free_resources[key] assert 0 <= free <= max_available # reserve specific GPUs if selected_devices is not None: if selected_devices != "": for name in selected_devices.split(","): self.available_gpus[name] = False else: selected_devices = [] for name, free in self.available_gpus.items(): if len(selected_devices) == rqmt.get("gpu", 0): break if free: self.available_gpus[name] = False selected_devices.append(name) assert len(selected_devices) == rqmt.get("gpu", 0) return ",".join(selected_devices) def release_resources(self, rqmt, selected_devices): self.free_resources = {key: free + rqmt.get(key, 0) for key, free in self.free_resources.items()} for key, max_available in self.max_resources.items(): free = self.free_resources[key] assert 0 <= free <= max_available if selected_devices != "": for name in selected_devices.split(","): self.available_gpus[name] = True @tools.default_handle_exception_interrupt_main_thread def run(self): try: while self.running.value: self.check_finished_tasks() wait = True # wait if no new job is started # check runnable tasks logging.debug("Check for new tasks (Free resources %s)" % self.free_resources) # get object for synchronisation with self.waiting_tasks as waiting_tasks, self.runnable_tasks as runnable_tasks: runnable_task_idx = 0 # run next task if the capacities are available while runnable_task_idx < len(runnable_tasks): next_task = runnable_tasks[runnable_task_idx] with self.running_tasks as running_tasks: # if enough free resources => run job if self.enough_free_resources(next_task.rqmt): selected_gpus = self.reserve_resources(next_task.rqmt) name = (, next_task.task_id) logging.debug("Start task %s" % str(name)) try: del waiting_tasks[name] except KeyError: logging.warning( "Could not delete %s from waiting queue. " "This should not happen! Probably a bug..." % str(name) ) # Start job: process = self.start_task(next_task, selected_gpus) running_tasks[name] = (process, next_task, selected_gpus) del runnable_tasks[runnable_task_idx] wait = False else: runnable_task_idx += 1 if wait: # check only once per second for new jobs # if no job has been started time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # KeyboardInterrupt is handled in manager pass def stop_engine(self): logging.debug("Got stop signal") self.running.value = False self.check_finished_tasks() with self.running_tasks as running_tasks: if len(running_tasks) > 0: logging.warning("Still running tasks in local engine: %i" % len(running_tasks)) for (task_name, task_id), value in running_tasks.items(): logging.warning(" Running task: %s %i PID: %s" % (task_name, task_id, value[0].pid))
[docs] def submit_call(self, call, logpath, rqmt, name, task_name, task_ids): if rqmt.get("multi_node_slots", None): raise NotImplementedError("Multi-node slots are not implemented for local engine") # run one thread for each task id for task_id in task_ids: call_with_id = call[:] + [str(task_id)] call_with_id += ["--redirect_output"] task = TaskQueueInstance(call_with_id, logpath, rqmt, name, task_name, task_id) with self.waiting_tasks as waiting_tasks, self.runnable_tasks as runnable_tasks: runnable_tasks.append(task) waiting_tasks[(name, task_id)] = task return ENGINE_NAME, socket.gethostname()
def task_done(self, running_tasks, task): name = (, task.task_id) selected_gpus = running_tasks[name][2] logging.debug("Task Done %s" % str(name)) try: del running_tasks[name] except KeyError: logging.warning( "Could not delete %s from waiting queue. This should not happen! Probably a bug..." % str(name) ) # release used resources self.release_resources(task.rqmt, selected_gpus) def task_state(self, task, task_id): name = task.task_name() task_name = (name, task_id) # Check waiting tasks with self.waiting_tasks as waiting_tasks: if task_name in waiting_tasks: return gs.STATE_QUEUE # Check running tasks with self.running_tasks as running_tasks: if task_name in running_tasks: return gs.STATE_RUNNING if self.try_to_recover_task(task, task_id): return gs.STATE_RUNNING else: return gs.STATE_UNKNOWN def reset_cache(self): # the local engine needs no cache pass def try_to_recover_task(self, task, task_id): process_logging_filename = task.get_process_logging_path(task_id) if not os.path.isfile(process_logging_filename): # Nothing to do here return False # Check if task is already running try: with open(process_logging_filename) as f: d = literal_eval( pid = d["pid"] process = psutil.Process(pid) # Recover instance rqmt = d["requested_resources"] logpath = os.path.relpath(task.path(gs.JOB_LOG_ENGINE)) call_with_id = task.get_worker_call(task_id) name = task.task_name() task_name = task_instance = TaskQueueInstance(call_with_id, logpath, rqmt, name, task_name, task_id) if call_with_id[1:] != process.cmdline()[1:]: logging.warning("Job %s changed, recovering it anyway." % name) logging.debug("Job changed: %i %s %s" % (pid, process.cmdline(), with self.running_tasks as running_tasks: name = (, task_id) used_gpus = process.environ().get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "") running_tasks[name] = (process, task_instance, used_gpus) self.reserve_resources(rqmt, selected_devices=used_gpus) logging.debug("Loaded job: %i %s %s" % (pid, process.cmdline(), return True except Exception as e: logging.debug("Failed to load running job: %s" % e) return False
[docs] def get_task_id(self, task_id): if task_id is not None: # task id passed via argument return task_id logging.warning( "Job in local engine started without task_id, " "worker is probably started manualy. Continue with task_id=1" ) return 1