
To run sisyphus you need to setup an experiment folder that contains all needed files (See Structure).

An example directory is given in the example folder. It runs the workflow presented by the diagramm below

graph TD; start[Start]:::startclass -- data/5lines.txt --> Splitter Splitter -- out_path --> Parallel Parallel -- out_path: path, check_block --> Simple Parallel -- out --> result[Finish]:::resultclass classDef resultclass fill:#f66; classDef startclass fill:#63e06d; PipeLine -- merger.gz, score --> Parallel subgraph pipeline Merger -- merger.gz --> PipeLine FinishedParts -. out1.gz --> SimplePart1 -.-> Merger FinishedParts -. out2.gz --> SimplePart2 -.-> Merger FinishedParts -. out3.gz --> SimplePart3 -.-> Merger Arguments -- out.gz --> FinishedParts Simple -- out.gz --> Arguments Arguments -- out.gz --> CheckState CheckState -- score --> PipeLine end

To start this toy setup run:

../sis manager

you will get something similar to:

[2018-06-15 16:31:50,488] INFO: Add target result to jobs (used for more informativ output, disable with SHOW_JOB_TARGETS=False)
[2018-06-15 16:31:50,796] INFO: runnable: Job< workdir: work/parallel/LineSpliter.AVSubx1baWqKyMx35c> <target: result>
[2018-06-15 16:31:50,796] INFO: runnable(1) waiting(1)
Print verbose overview (v), start manager (y), or exit (n)?

Start the computation by pressing y. You can stop the manager again at any time by pressing CTRL-C. Sisyphus will show you which processes are currently running. For more information about the processes either check the web interface. It can be started with the http option:

../sis manager --http 8080

This will start a local web server at the given port. Visit it by going to http://localhost:8080 Once the final output is computed it will appear in the output folder. In this given example just some random text file.